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Downloading a lot of PDFs

Sometimes you'll have a big list of PDFs that you want to download. Maybe you'll eventually run them through Tika or tesseract or something, but for now: we need to download them!

Downloading a list of files

The best way to download a list of files is using wget. You can install wget on OS X with brew install wget, and on Windows I think this is the best option.

After it's installed, make sure you have a file formatted with one complete URL on each line, like below.

Then you can use the wget command to download each one of the files.

wget -i urls.txt

Creating a list of files from a dataframe

Maybe you have a dataframe where one of the columns is your URL.

name code url
ABC 123
XYZ 456
LMN 789

How do you export the url column into a list of URLs? You just need to tell to_csv to only save the column you're interested in, and not to write any header or index information.

df.to_csv("urls.txt", columns=['url'], header=False, index=False)

Now you're all set to use wget -i urls.txt!

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