This is our webpage with some content on it

It even includes graphics! Isn't it amazing?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lectus enim, hendrerit eu risus a, convallis semper erat. Vestibulum id tristique massa, fermentum efficitur felis.

Aliquam laoreet ultricies tortor nec euismod.

This example here is using layercake to build a graphic from points.csv

Fusce a nisl finibus, finibus dui eu, maximus nunc. Ut pharetra sem rhoncus velit vulputate, nec mollis justo pharetra.

Down here we're going to embed some ai2html content.

An example chart to show off the framework

And maybe another LayerCake chart?

This time we'll play with the options a little bit. While you can read the documentation if you'd like, you can also just take a look at the components' code to see if you can figure the options out.

We can even add another title if we want!

I'm not sure why we would, but we can.