Building and publishing with Quarto

A nice little walkthrough of the hard-to-ignore pieces

Installing Quarto

I’ve found the best approach to setting up Quarto is download and run the installer from

If you don’t have a picture-perfect Python and R setup, you can install miniconda.


If you’d rather just blast off instead of actually learn anything, here you go!

Single-page site

Create a Jupyter notebook called my-notebook.ipynb and run either of the commands below.

# Preview the site
quarto preview my-notebook.ipynb

# Render the actual HTML page
quarto publish my-notebook.ipynb --to html --embed-resources

Multi-page website

Create a _quarto.yml as outlined here, then run either of the commands below.

# Preview the site
quarto preview

# Render out as files
quarto render


Honestly the Quarto docs are great