Hi, I'm Soma.

Hello I am who I am. You can contact me at jonathan.soma@gmail.com or @dangerscarf on Twitter.

Tree gender discrimination

Let's learn about male vs female trees.

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A sample scatterplot in D3 from class

A little blurb about this story, it's fascinating! It's interesting! Please read more!

Python/pandas D3.js
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A sample interactive force diagram in D3 from class

A little blurb about this story, it's fascinating! It's interesting! Please read more!

D3.js DataWrapper

My least favorite projects

A story about something from Google Docs

A little blurb about this story, it's fascinating! It's interesting! Please read more!

Read the story Check the code

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A little blurb about this story, it's fascinating! It's interesting! Please read more!

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A little blurb about this story, it's fascinating! It's interesting! Please read more!

This is a sample of using ai2html helpers

A little blurb about this story, it's fascinating! It's interesting! Please read more!